Strategic planning, respect for traditions, and a consultation with our in-house astrologer led to an imminent release of Themis 0.9.5 on Wednesday 13, the 256th day of the year a.k.a. the International Developer’s Day.
The update focuses on crystallizing conveniences, niceties and compatibility fixes that have been around for some time now. Here is the list of improvements:
You can now download pre-built Themis packages from our package server.
Enhanced building process for MacOS (working now!) (#215).
Enhanced building process for Debian 9.x (working even better now!).
Updated documentation and examples to make them easier to understand.
Now we use Bitrise as a separate CI for iOS wrapper.
Test and code coverage are automagically measured now!
Core: we knew the day would come and so it came. SHA1 is no more. It ceased to be.
Secure Comparator: magically improved code readability (#196, #195), because we know you could’ve had hard time reading it before.
iOS wrapper: added support of dynamic frameworks and bitcode (#222, #219, #205), so dynamic, much iOS!
Go wrapper: refactored custom error (themisError) type, because we were bloody tired of it ourselves.
PHP wrapper: updated tests. You can now rest assured that something in PHP world works as expected.
PyThemis: considerably improved example projects, providing great education and entertainment value.
Onwards to 0.9.6, for grander changes yet to be unfolded!