Importing with ctypes in Python: fighting overflows
Introduction On some cold winter night, we've decided to refactor a few examples and tests for Python wrapper in Themis, because things have to be not only efficient and useful, but elegant as well. One thing after another, and we ended up revamping Themis error codes a bit. Internal error and status flags sometimes get less attention than crypto-related code: they are internals for internal use. Problem is, when they fail, they might break something more crucial in a completely invisible way.
Building Sesto, in-browser password manager
Intro: what is Sesto Sesto (abbreviation for Secret Store) is open source passwords (and general secrets) manager for web. What sets Sesto apart from many other password managers is: it's web password manager, e.g. you don't need local client to run it, only have compatible browser (Google Chrome with PNaCl modules enabled), the application is downloaded from Sesto server. for a clientless web password manager, it's strong security model: most web password managers are built either on JS crypto (which is bad), or rely on simply protecting your data via SSL and with some arbitrary keys on server side.
Building secure end-to-end webchat with Themis
Intro While developing components of our products, we love to explore use cases and usability through creating real-world test stands. 0fc is a side-product of WebThemis research: while doing some protocol design for front-end clients with WebThemis services, we wanted to try it in a real-world situation. We've set ourselves a novel idea: end-to-end encrypted webchat, inclined towards client anonymity, giving zero trust to the server, built only with typical Themis primitives.
Releasing Themis into public: usability testing
How we did usability testing for Themis when releasing the open source library into public. When we were ready to release Themis, we've gathered a few colleagues and decided to make a test run on unsuspecting developers - how would the library blend into their workflows? 1. Introduction While usability testing for user-centric applications has it's own distinct techniques, standards and frameworks, this is not so typical for a relatively complex and technical library aimed at developers and spanning multiple languages and platforms.