Customer Success Program
Hiring External Security Team: What You Need to Know
In our company, we’ve succeeded in clearly articulating the deliverables of our products and consulting projects. Building a network of great partners and delegating the work out of range of our primary competencies to them helps both parties concentrate on what’s we’re best at. However, there are a lot of challenges in building distributing the work between different types of security specialists. Larger part of the market is still struggling to show a viable differentiation for the customer looking to mitigate various infosec-related risks.
Releasing Themis into public: usability testing
How we did usability testing for Themis when releasing the open source library into public. When we were ready to release Themis, we've gathered a few colleagues and decided to make a test run on unsuspecting developers - how would the library blend into their workflows? 1. Introduction While usability testing for user-centric applications has it's own distinct techniques, standards and frameworks, this is not so typical for a relatively complex and technical library aimed at developers and spanning multiple languages and platforms.