
Product security & SSDLC advisory | Cossack Labs

🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine, and we stand for Ukraine. We offer free assessment and mitigation services to improve Ukrainian companies security resilience.


Product security & SSDLC

Cybersecurity skills are scarce and hard to attain. In software development, product security is essential for mitigating business and compliance risks. Security bugs caught early in the Secure Software Development Lifecycle are easy and cheap to fix.

SSDLC is slowly but surely becoming new norm for products with high security requirements. But it's hard to build security measures that don’t contradict product values, don’t hinder business progress and protect against pragmatic risks. We are masters of this craft.

Security challenges in
product development


Product security != application security


Product-oriented security


No silver bullet


Compliance requirements

How SSDLC solves these challenges

Risk-driven security

Breaking is easy. Building is hard

Preventing cyber attacks

Our approach to product security

Shared understanding of product value and business risks

Deep collaboration with dev team

Gradual training and hiring

Talk to our team to get more information about personalized solution for your needs.

Business impact

Tailored security

Cost-efficient security measures

Unhindered product process

Improved team coordination

Our mission is simple.

We help you focus on serving your customers better, while relieving your team from security engineering pains and making your users confident that their data is safe with you.

Contact us

Your development team lacks security mindset? Let’s talk.

Build and streamline your secure software development process to ensure that your products become more secure with each release.

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