
Blockchain security solutions | Cossack Labs

🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine, and we stand for Ukraine. We offer free assessment and mitigation services to improve Ukrainian companies security resilience.


Blockchain security solutions

As the world gradually realizes that cryptocurrencies, tokenized assets and smart contracts are the new Wild West of financial instruments, new threats emerge. Regulatory pressure and cybersecurity risks are harder to mitigate when your technological stack is novel and based on new cryptography-based technologies. Our solutions facilitate compliance with regulations such as the GDPR, CCPA and the completion of Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).

Cryptocurrencies require combining novel cryptography with traditional data, application and product security expertise to address blockchain security issues.

Blockchain security challenges


Blockchain security is hard


Poorly implemented crypto and appsec


Transaction and smart-contract privacy



Modern blockchain security solutions


Traditional security

Custom cryptosystems and primitives

Our offerings

// Custom design and implementation

Transaction privacy and ZKP

We specialise in designing privacy-oriented cryptographic layers based on zk-SNARKs and multi-party computation protocols.

Novel cryptography

Our team of experienced cryptographers implements complex cryptographic protocols: zero-knowledge proofs, custom curves/signatures, SMPC, homomorphic operations.

Blockchain security

We design and implement traditional application security, data security, and infrastructure security measures for crypto wallets, blockchain nodes, and backends.

// Consulting


We work with your team to set up and improve the SSDLC process for app development. We help in prioritizing security features, finding appropriate automation tools, and always sync with the latest security guidelines and regulations.

Auditing and reviewing

We conduct security audits and design reviews of crypto wallet security and blockchain security issues. We define their fitness against threat models and suggest improvements.

Smart contracts review and analysis

Smart contracts are self-executing programs that run on the blockchain. They face unique security threats, such as front-running attacks and re-entrancy attacks, as well as traditional software threats.

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How we make a difference

Cryptographic expertise

Experience with typical constructions

Real-world crypto

Our mission is simple.

We help you focus on serving your customers better, while relieving your team of security engineering burdens and giving your users confidence that their data is safe with you.

Contact us

There are many ways we can help: with our products, bespoke solutions, and engineering services. Leave your contact information to connect with our team:

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