
For press | Cossack Labs

🇺🇦 We stand with Ukraine, and we stand for Ukraine. We offer free assessment and mitigation services to improve Ukrainian companies security resilience.

For press

Hi! Want to write about Cossack Labs? Our newsroom will help you with the task. Also, feel free to contact us on cryptography and data security related issues, we’ll be happy to share our story and discuss the latest technologies.

About us

Read more about company history

Julian Swallow

Julian Swallow

Founder & Chairman

Julian has founded, built, managed, and led multiple software companies over four decades. Having previously raised tens of millions of dollars of equity finance, he managed three successful disposals, two to publicly-quoted companies, yielding above-average returns to shareholders. His operational focus is on finance, financial strategy, and legal.

Eugene Pilyankevich

Eugene Pilyankevich

Founder & CTO

Eugene has managed software development with high security and performance demands for over 15 years. His extensive experience and research enable him to focus on the challenges that large and small companies experience when seeking to make data security central to their operations, especially in the face of external pressures and uncertainties.

Chris Hennings

Chris Hennings

Founder & Director

Chris originally trained as an economist but has coded, designed, and invested in a diverse range of software systems and companies for over 40 years. Elegant, appropriate, and useful code continues to delight. Chris sees effort spent to make world-class data security available to all as central to advancing the common good both now and into the future.

Anastasiia Voitova

Anastasiia Voitova

Head of Security Engineering

Anastasiia is a software engineer and manager with a wide technological background spanning mobile app development to security engineering. Her current focus is cryptography and applied security, helping companies to build secure yet usable systems. Anastasiia is a frequent contributor to international conferences and co-organiser of cyber-security events.

Products and product sheets

Acra, a database security suite

Acra, a database security suite

Acra provides 9 security controls in one suite, pluggable as proxy, API or SDK in your architecture. Features include transparent field-level encryption, searchable encryption, data masking and firewalling.

Themis, a cross-platform crypto library

Themis, a cross-platform crypto library

Themis provides cryptosystems for securing data at rest and data in transit. Solves 90% use cases for protecting data in mobile, web and server-side apps.

Hermes, end-to-end secure data storage

Hermes, end-to-end secure data storage

End-to-end secure data storage, processing, and sharing framework with zero trust to storage/exchange infrastructure.

Facts & dates

  • Themis






    Cossack Labs team

    Cossack Labs team


Cossack Labs logo, …

Cossack Labs logo, transparent background, white letters

Cossack Labs logo, …

Cossack Labs logo, transparent background, black letters, horizontal

Cossack Labs logo, …

Cossack Labs logo, transparent background, black letters, vertical

Acra logo

Acra logo

Themis logo

Themis logo

Hermes logo

Hermes logo

Contact us

We’ll be happy to share our story and discuss all the fancy words like cryptography and security with you.

HQ, United Kingdom

190 Clarence Gate Gardens
Glentworth Street
London NW1 6AD
United Kingdom

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