
Releasing Themis 0.10.0 | Cossack Labs

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Releasing Themis 0.10.0



We couldn’t hold out till St. Valentine’s Day, so we’re releasing the love and all the hard work put into the new version of Themis today. Themis 0.10.0 is out and there is no turning back as this release introduces breaking changes.

If you are using Themis on x64 systems, consider upgrading every Themis library/wrapper you were using to 0.10.0. Incompatibility issues may arise between previous Themis versions and 0.10.0 on x64 machines (#279).

The Ruby wrapper for Themis has breaking changes for Secure Cell Token Protect mode (#281). We added checks for other language wrappers to make sure this won't happen again (#282, #283).

Please see the Migration Guide for more details on seamless migration to the new version of Themis. It is a really important document if you want the things to keep going smoothly in your use of Themis.

The rest of the update details are as follows, in our longest changelog so far:



  • Added support of Ubuntu 17.10.

  • Removed support of Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu 17.04 (no more compiled binaries for these OSs now).

  • Added CLI utils for easy testing of Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on local machine. Available for Python, Ruby, Go, NodeJS, and PHP. Check the Console Utils guide for more details and usage description/guide.

  • Added Integration test suit for the majority of the available language wrappers, which was the catalyst for many fixes in this release.

Added support of CircleCI 2.0 with multiple workflows. This allows testing each language wrapper and integrations between them easily and quickly (#295, #299).



  • Fixed incompatibility issue that existed in Secure Cell between x32 and x64 machines (#279);

  • Added C examples for using buffer API in Secure Session (#271);

  • Fixed possible SigFault in Secure Message at the point of providing an incorrect private key path (#286).

C++ wrapper:

  • Added a set of unit tests (#292).

Android wrapper:

  • simplified Android build by providing a ready-to-use Docker container. No need to compile BoringSSL manually now! (#273 by @secumod).

iOS wrapper:

  • Updated Secure Comparator definitions and provided code samples (#287, #288).


  • Added get_remote_id function, which is making SecureSession easier to use (#272);

  • Added CLI utils and integration tests that allow you to test Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on your local machine (#277, #293, #305, #306).


  • Added a separate installation step in Makefile. Now you can install jsthemis via make jsthemis_install (#302);

  • Added CLI utils and integration tests that allow you to test Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on your local machine (#277, #293, #305, #306).


  • Fixed arguments' order for Secure Cell in the Token Protect mode, which caused incompatibility with older versions of rubythemis (#281). Please check the migration guide for the details;

  • Added CLI utils and integration tests that allow you to test Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on your local machine (#277, #293, #305, #306)


  • Improved the installation process via Makefile for python3 users (#300);

  • Added CLI utils and integration tests that allow you to test Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on your local machine (#277, #293, #305, #306).


  • Added support of PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 (#278, #280);

  • Added a package for phpthemis. Now you don't need to compile it from sources. See the installation PHP guide for more details;

  • Improved unit tests. Now it's easy to run tests because all the dependencies are handled by a php-composer (#284, #285, #303);

  • Added a memory test suit, which allows us to keep a closer eye on PHPThemis' memory usage (#298);

Added CLI utils and integration tests that allow you to test Secure Cell, Secure Message, and Key generation on your local machine (#277, #293, #305, #306).

Spread the security — encrypt everything! ;)

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