
Introducing CL MSS – security verification framework for mobile apps | Cossack Labs

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Introducing CL MSS – security verification framework for mobile apps

Cossack Labs introduces Cossack Labs Mobile Security Score (CL MSS)—a mobile security verification framework for product security, security assessments, SSDLC, and measuring security posture.

Cossack Labs Mobile Security Score is an extension of an industry standard OWASP MASVS, that offers a broader set of security controls and more specific, actionable requirements.

“The goal of CL MSS is to guide security engineers, QA engineers, developers, and architects on improving mobile app security; to enumerate commonly used security controls and their use cases; and to make the mobile app’s security posture measurable and trackable over time”—says Cossack Labs Lead Security Engineer Julia Mezher.

The Cossack Labs team designed CL MSS for mobile apps facing increased security risk exposure, focusing on secure architecture, practical cryptography implementation, and data privacy. CL MSS works well for both one-time assessments and the SSDLC process.

Cossack Labs specialises in developing innovative, user-friendly security solutions. Our R&D is driven by practical security challenges, exploring new capabilities and adapting academic concepts to real-world environments. The company’s expertise spans off-the-shelf products, bespoke solutions, consulting and comprehensive engineering services, designed to enhance security posture efficiently. This approach enables clients to pursue innovation without being encumbered by complex security challenges.

We extend our gratitude to contributors Julia Mezher, Anastasiia Vixentael, Nazar Serhiichuk, and Anton Shepeta for their valuable time and expertise in developing CL MSS into an actionable mobile security verification framework.

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