
ACRA 0.76 IS OUT NOW! | Cossack Labs

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The spring and change are in the air!


After a year in testing by early adopters (Acra 0.75 was released 1 year 5 days ago), we’re starting to push new features into the open-source version of Acra. 0.76 is a stability release, which unifies a lot of things “under the hood”: module interfaces, test automation, API, connection schemes — everything we need to gradually unveil & plenty of new exciting features we’ve prepared based on the user feedback.

In the meantime — here is the list of the recent changes and improvements in Acra 0.76:


  • SSL / TLS support

    Now you can use PostgeSQL with SSL/TLS settings enabled. Acra 0.76 supports two modes of connection between AcraServer and the database: using SSL/TLS or Secure Session (#113, #119).

  • Unix sockets

    Acra now supports usage of both TCP and Unix Sockets as a connection layer between AcraWriter <-> AcraProxy <-> AcraServer.

  • Tests

    We’ve updated the integration test suite to support multiple connection modes between the Acra components and the database (#115, #117, #118, #120).

    A Docker image was added to make the process of testing Acra easier (#104).


  • Now Go 1.10 is supported and the older Go versions are removed (Versions <1.6).

  • We’ve added support of Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Debian Stretch.

  • Dependency libraries (libthemis and libcrypto) are updated.


The documentation and tutorials were updated to reflect the latest changes.

Although we’re very proud of the work we’ve done, this release is just a stepping stone to grander, mightier changes and improvements that are coming soon. Prepare for some magic!

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