Discover Cossack Labs the latest news, conference talks, podcasts, media presence, facts and information about new product launches, product updates, new partnerships.
Building reliable mobile app security
Julia Mezher and Anastasiia Voitova discussed the latest mobile app security during a live roundtable.
Cryptographically signed audit logging for data protection
Cryptographically signed audit logging: Protecting the integrity and authenticity of audit logs, thwarting tampering attempts.
Security and cryptography with Anastasiia Voitova
Anastasiia Voitova on the complexities of computer security and cryptography, strong encryption, and well-managed risk strategies for protecting data and systems.
Use cryptography; don’t learn it
Anastasiia Voitova on cryptography, common mistakes, IoT security challenges, and the importance of defence-in-depths.
Designing secure architectures the modern way, regardless of stack
Eugene Pilyankevich on security architecture, protecting systems through understanding specific threats and implementing layered defences.
Secure Authentication. Are you sure you do it right?
Julia Mezher talks on secure authentication, common auth mistakes in iOS apps and security as a part of the development process.
iOS 14’s Best Privacy Feature? Catching Data-Grabbing Apps
Insights from Anastasiia Voitova on privacy features of Apple's new iOS 14 update as a big win for user privacy with more control over the data.
Themis 0.13.0 Is Released
New Themis Release: 0.13.0 # Today, the Cossack Labs team is proud to announce Themis 0.13.0 release. Themis is a high-level “boring” cryptographic library that gives developers easy-to-use hard-to-misuse blocks to solve 90% of typical crypto use cases for web and mobile apps. New update makes storage encryption easier to use and introduces Kotlin for Android support (which becomes the 14th officially supported language). You can find latest source code in the GitHub repository.
WWDC20’s major security and privacy announcements
Anastasiia Voitova on the key security and privacy announcements from WWDC20: Apple's focus on features like end-to-end encrypted iMessage threads and privacy-conscious location sharing.