Discover Cossack Labs the latest news, conference talks, podcasts, media presence, facts and information about new product launches, product updates, new partnerships.
Acra Community Edition 0.96.0: Improved user experience and database compatibility
New release of Acra — data security solution for databases and distributed apps — focuses on improving user experience and expands compatibility with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB.
Enhancing Ukraine’s cyber resilience
On Ukraine’s Independence Day, we reflect on our ongoing efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s cyber resilience in critical national infrastructure, mission-critical systems, govtech solutions, unmanned robotic systems and many more.
Introducing CL MSS – security verification framework for mobile apps
Cossack Labs introduces Cossack Labs Mobile Security Score (CL MSS)—a mobile security verification framework for product security, security assessments, SSDLC, and measuring security posture.
Cyber resilience: A business imperative CISOs must get right
The role of AI in cyber resilience: Insights from Anastasiia Voitova.
Cossack Labs joins UA DroneID technology development for improving operational capabilities of unmanned systems
Cossack Labs concluded a Memorandum with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and Aerorozvidka NGO, aimed at improving operational capabilities of autonomous systems through development of innovative technical solutions.
Cossack Labs partners with NPC UKRENERGO to strengthen Ukraine’s power grid cybersecurity
British cybersecurity company Cossack Labs helped Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national energy company, to enhance the security of its critical power grid infrastructure.
Cybersecurity in wartime: how Ukraine's infosec community is coping
Eugene Pilyankevich on the importance of balancing security and usability while working on mission critical systems.
Security in Java, what do we need to know and how to keep our applications secure
This podcast tackles the essential aspects of securing Java applications: Practical strategies to secure your code.
Transparent data encryption for SQL databases with Acra 0.93
Fully transparent encryption of sensitive fields is possible with open source Acra 0.93 release. Acra works on SQL protocol level, hiding details from developers and reducing encryption integration cost. Learn how it works under the hood.
Volunteers patrol Ukraine's cyber front during war
Hidden cyber war in Ukraine: Security skills in high demand.