Zero trust, end-to-end encrypted, secure data storage and sharing framework
Enforce access control and facilitate sharing with end-to-end encryption via client-side SDK. Hermes provides cryptographically protected data processing and data collaborating without the need to re-encrypt an excessive amount of data.
A simple way of collaborating on end-to-end encrypted data
Secure granular CRUD
Let multiple users collaborate on shared data structures with granular access control and key management over each data block, while enforcing different cryptographic protections on all CRUD operations.
Zero-trust ACL
Traditional access control has ACL lists and ACL engine that enforces access rights, which you have to trust. In Hermes, access rights are enforced cryptographically, so you don’t have to trust anything to be sure that no one unwanted has access to the data.
Convenient storage
Data is stored encrypted, but does not require re-encryption during changing the access rights, key revocation or planned key rotation. Convenient data model allows to integrate Hermes with different architectures and storage schemes.
Hermes’ unique capabilities are the best to protect shared structured documents, where different fields have different security risks and access control patterns.
Advanced use-cases
Cryptographic access control
Deploy Hermes to build cryptographic access control in your application: grant and revoke read and write access through a cryptographic scheme resistant to privilege escalation attacks.
Secure distributed collaboration
Hermes is a cryptography-based method of providing protected data storage and sharing that allows the enforcement of cryptographically-checked permissions between any number of Hermes clients.
Multi-user object store
Build end-to-end secure document/object stores where every document or field’s access rights can be granted to any registered user of the system, transparently, and with low overhead.
Security layer for data exchange
Collaborating securely when a document is one blob of data is straightforward, but modern documents are actually large tree-like structures. Hermes is designed precisely for today’s applications.
Get started with Hermes
See Hermes documentation for more info and how-tos
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